Many people do not realize the dangers of poor indoor air quality. Mold and other pollutants travel through your air conditioning system. Repairing and sealing duct system leaks could potentially prevent you and your family from becoming ill.
281-810-8652 Free EstimateIf you are experiencing high utility bills, uncomfortable rooms or a hot or humid home, you may need an air duct inspection. Over the years, air ducts collect dust and other impurities, decreasing the air quality of your home and affecting the efficiency of your air conditioning system, making allergies, asthma and other illnesses worse.
It is also possible that your air ducts were initially improperly sized or poorly designed. Holes in leaking air ducts allow bugs from the attic to make their way into the rest of your house.
Book An AppointentmentAir that�s heated or cooled to comfort you and your family shouldn�t be pouring into your crawlspace, attic, walls or other uninhabited areas. That�s why it�s important to make sure your ducted system aren�t leaking, which wastes energy and costs you money and comfort.
There are many reasons why your air duct system can leak. The leaks can be for simple reasons like a protruding nail in the attic that snags or tears the duct while being installed. Also the points where two pieces of duct come together can separate over time for a variety of reasons. As a result, conditioned air is wastefully pumped into the attic or under the house and the rooms of the house that these ducts are supposed to serve never reach a comfortable temperature.
Ducts leak can cause higher utility bills as they cause the system to use more energy just to function. It is important to have your system checked for duct leaks so they can be repaired prior to resulting humidity problems, higher utility bills or pollutant issues.
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